Cyril×Seteth Support Conversations
C Support
ツィリル: セテスさん、お届け物です。
Cyril: Hey, Seteth. I got a delivery for you.
セテス: ありがとう、ツィリル。確認するから、少し待ってもらえるか。
Seteth: Thank you, Cyril. Would you mind waiting just a moment for me to confirm the contents?
ツィリル: はい。
Cyril: Sure thing.
セテス: ……よし、すべて揃っているな。ありがとう、ツィリル。
Seteth: All seems to be accounted for. I lack the time to handle tasks of this kind myself. I appreciate you making the effort. Is there anything I can assist you with? Do you have any concerns?
ツィリル: いえ、不満なんて。レアさまのために働けるだけで、幸せです。
Cyril: Concerns? Nah, I'm happy just working for Lady Rhea.
I got a way better life now than I ever did before.
セテス: 贅沢、か。君ほど質素な生活をしている者もそういないと思うが。
Seteth: If your better life is this frugal, I have to wonder what your previous experience was like.
It must not have been easy before you came to us. But you should know that is in the past now.
You are young. You should be enjoying life.
Do not allow your past to overshadow that. Is there nothing you desire?
We will support you in any way we can.
ツィリル: 本当に、何も。ただ……
Cyril: Really, there's nothing... Except... Nah, it's OK.
セテス: ただ?
Seteth: Except?
ツィリル: ずっとここにいさせてほしいんです。ボクには帰るべき場所がありません。
Cyril: I don't got anywhere else to go, and I just wanna be able to stay here forever. This place Lady Rhea gave me, it's the only place I know to call home.
セテス: ……そうか。心に留めておこう。
Seteth: I will keep that in mind.
ツィリル: それでは……仕事が残っているので、失礼します。
Cyril: Well, I got work to do. Excuse me.
セテス: ああ、引き留めてすまなかったな。
Seteth: Of course. I apologize for delaying you.
B Support
セテス: ツィリル、休憩中か?
Seteth: Hello, Cyril. On a break?
ツィリル: はい、何か急ぎのご用があるなら……
Cyril: Just figuring out what needs doing next. Why, you need something done?
セテス: いや、そうじゃないんだ。少し話をしようと思って来たのだ。
Seteth: Nothing like that. I was hoping to speak with you.
ツィリル: 話、ですか?
Cyril: You wanna talk?
セテス: ああ。君は大司教のために働けるのならそれだけで幸せだと言ったな。
Seteth: Yes. You told me that you are happy so long as you can continue to work for the archbishop. Have you considered that there might be other ways to find happiness?
ツィリル: いえ。レアさまへの恩返ししか、ボクがやりたいことはないから。
Cyril: Nope. Repaying my debt to Lady Rhea is all I want to do.
ツィリル: レアさまは今、ここにいませんけど……ボクの仕事は全部、レアさまのためです。
Cyril: Lady Rhea might not be around right now, but all the stuff I do? It's still for her.
セテス: なるほど。だが、恩返しが終わったらどうするんだ?
Seteth: What will you do once your debt is repaid?
ツィリル: ……終わらないです。ずっと。
Cyril: I can never repay her.
セテス: ふむ……徹底しているな。君のその生き方は今の世に欠けている美徳とも言えるだろう。
Seteth: You are possessed of a rare and admirable devotion. I, too, owe the archbishop a debt. But repaying her is only one of the reasons I am here.
ツィリル: 一つ……?
Cyril: Whatcha mean "one of the reasons" you're here?
セテス: そう。あくまで一つ、だ。私にとって、それがすべてではない。
Seteth: I mean that I have other motivations aside from that. If those motivations required me to be elsewhere, then I would be elsewhere.
ツィリル: 目的のため……
Cyril: Motivations?
セテス: 私は大司教と目的を共有することができた。だからこそ、私はここに留まっているのだ。
Seteth: Yes. I am fortunate enough to share common cause with the archbishop. Thus am I able to remain.
Don't be mistaken—it is admirable to repay one's debts. But that alone should not define a person.
While it is good to make peace with the past, it is also essential to look ahead to the future.
What kind of future do you see for yourself? What can you do to work toward it?
I would like you to think about what might make your future brighter.
ツィリル: ……セテスさんの話は、難しくてボクにはよくわかりません。
Cyril: I don't know if I understand you right. See, when Lady Rhea took me in, it was the first time I ever thought maybe I had a purpose. And I don't know what else I could wish for than that, ya know?
セテス: はは、悩ませてすまない。ただ、君を見ているともどかしいのだ。
Seteth: Hmm... I do not mean to trouble you. It's just that I cannot help but notice the way you squander your potential. It's as though you avert your gaze from it on purpose. Keep what I've said in the back of your mind, at least. You have plenty of time.
ツィリル: ……はい、セテスさん。
Cyril: OK, Seteth.
A Support
セテス: ツィリル。
Seteth: Cyril.
ツィリル: セテスさん……。
Cyril: Hey...
セテス: その様子だと、この前に私が言ったことを少しは考えてくれているようだね。
Seteth: You seem pensive. Have you been thinking over the advice I gave you?
ツィリル: はい。……でも、だんだん怖くなってきて。
Cyril: Yeah... But it kinda scares me.
セテス: 怖い?
Seteth: Scares you? Why?
ツィリル: だって、ボクが恩返し以外の目標を見つけてそっちに一生懸命になったら……
Cyril: If I found something else I was more interested in than repaying Lady Rhea... I don't know. Wouldn't that be kinda like I was betraying Lady Rhea? In a way?
セテス: 裏切り? 意外なことを考えるものだな。
Seteth: Betrayal is a rather strong word, don't you think?
ツィリル: レアさまのおかげで、今のボクがいるのに、レアさまのことをほったらかしにしたら……
Cyril: Well, I mean, Lady Rhea is why I got this life...or any life. If I ended up just leaving her... That just seems real ungrateful and kinda rude.
セテス: レアがそれを裏切りだと感じるならば、君は恩知らずということになるな。
Seteth: If Rhea herself felt betrayed by your actions, then yes, I suppose it would be. But if all you are doing is seeking your path, with no harm to her, I do not think she would object. In fact, I am confident she would be happy for you.
ツィリル: そう、でしょうか……。
Cyril: You are?
セテス: 当然だろう。いずれレアが戻ってきたら、本人に聞いてみるといい。すぐにわかる。
Seteth: Absolutely. If you continue to devote your whole life purely to repaying your debt, I think she will worry. Ask her yourself when she returns. You will see. You want to make Rhea happy, don't you?
セテス: 逆に、君がいつまでも恩返しに固執すれば、それはむしろレアを心配させることになる。
セテス: 君は、レアを心配させるよりも、喜ばせたいのだろう?
ツィリル: それは、もちろん。
Cyril: Well, yeah. Of course.
セテス: ならば迷うことはない。自由な発想で、自らの目標を見つけたまえ。
Seteth: Then you should do what makes you happy.
ツィリル: はい! ……ところで、セテスさん。一つ気になることが……。
Cyril: OK, I get that, yeah. By the way, there's something weird I noticed.
セテス: 何だ?
Seteth: What is that?
ツィリル: セテスさん、レアさまのことを前は「大司教」って呼んでましたよね。
Cyril: Before, whenever we'd talk, you always used to call Lady Rhea "the archbishop," but just now... Just now, you were calling her "Rhea."
セテス: ああ、レアを呼び捨てにしていたのが気に障ったか?
Seteth: Does it perturb you to hear me speak of her with such familiarity?
ツィリル: いえ、ただ……何でかなって。
Cyril: No, I just wondered why.
セテス: かつての私は、レアに仕える者として立場を弁えた言動を取る必要があった。
Seteth: I am, of course, Rhea's servant. So, in a more formal context, I must maintain a deferential distance.
But she and I are actually very old friends. In fact, we think of one another almost like family. I know Rhea extremely well.
When I am confident about how she will feel, I am seldom wrong.
So trust me when I say that if your path to happiness takes you away from here, she will wish you the best.
ツィリル: はい。……ありがとうございます、セテスさん。
Cyril: OK. I'm glad to hear it. Thank you.
セテス: とはいえ、まずはレアを救い出すのが先だ。引き続き力を貸してもらうぞ、ツィリル。
Seteth: Of course, we must first rescue her from her current predicament. I will be counting on your aid in that.
ツィリル: もちろんです!
Cyril: You got it.